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November 24, 2005



Hey - my psp needs some rock-and-roll housing, and i'd be happy to give your handiwork a temporary home!


Splendid!! I will send it to you!

Eric Wahlforss

Just a quick note to say that i just published your PSP case on Google Base:

i got the idea when i read your blog post about the psp case, noting that "thing:445B88C5" wasn't a hyperlink. i think it definitely should be; for now the place to link to could be Google Base. GB still isn't very social, but maybe the content can be used to create a nicer service on top of it? i'm really missing comments, ratings, pretty links, etc. nevertheless, they are doing many things right...


Unfortunate news regarding the life of the PSP case: it is mysteriously disappeared on its way to Matt Jones via Nokia's internal mail. What has happened?

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